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6226 Lain Road
Canisteo, NY
Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits
The health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar are being
rediscovered after centuries of being used for home remedies. "The father of
modern medicine", Hippocrates used Vinegar as an anti-septic to clean wounds
over 2,000 years ago.
Apple Cider Vinegar is also a good food preservative. Studies show that it
inhibits bacteria like E. coli from growing in and spoiling food. And more
recently, people have examined apple cider vinegar as a way to lose weight,
improve Heart Health, and even aid in reducing A1C Levels for Type II
Lain's Apple Cider Vinegar is Raw, UNpasteurized vinegar made with the
Finest New York Fresh Pressed Apple Juice that is naturally fermented with "mother";
of vinegar, which is a high quality indicator that may appear as cloudiness
in the vinegar.
According to Healthline.com:
"Apple cider vinegar is made via a two-step process.
First, the manufacturer exposes crushed apples to yeast, which ferments the
sugars and turns them into alcohol.
Next, adding bacteria further ferments the alcohol, turning it into acetic
acid — the main active compound in vinegar.
Acetic acid gives vinegar its strong sour smell and flavor. Researchers
believe this acid is responsible for apple cider vinegar’s health benefits.
Cider vinegars are 5–6% acetic acid.
Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar also contains a substance called
"Mother", which consists of strands of proteins, enzymes, and Friendly
Bacteria (called Probiotics) that give the product a murky
Some people believe that the Mother is responsible for most of its health
While apple cider vinegar does not contain many vitamins or minerals, it
offers a small amount of Potassium. Good quality Apple Cider Vinegar
also contains some Amino Acids AND Antioxidants."
And WebMD.com:
Adds, "Some people say the “mother,” the cloud of yeast and
bacteria you might see in a bottle of apple cider vinegar, is what makes it
healthy. These things are Probiotic, meaning they might give your
digestive system a boost..." This is also known a Good Gut Health.
And the Cleveland Clinic said:
Apple cider vinegar’s claim to fame is acetic acid, which forms during
fermentation. This acid may have a variety of health benefits including
improving your Gut Health.
Raw apple cider vinegar also contains:
Natural Probiotics (friendly bacteria), which may
help with your immune system and gut health.
Antioxidants, substances that can prevent damage to your body’s
Also adding possible benefits of using Apple Cider Vinegar to aid in Blood
Glucose reduction for people with Pre-Diabetes and Type II
Diabetes combined with a well balanced diet.
There is much to be learned about this ancient remedy and we hope the
research continues.
For now, we can only tout there have been many studies that suggest Apple
Cider Vinegar (ACV) has helped some people's health and wellness.
When more definitive research in the future shows empirical data to support
the suggested health benefits are conclusive ~ we could all benefit from a
healthier way to improve our health and our Gut Health in a natural way! Wouldn't that be
NOTE: EH Lain Cider Mill Does not make any claims in this article. We are
simply sharing known info from the past and relevant information from well
known medical resources about the potential health benefits of Apple Cider
Vinegar, A.C.V. Wishing you the very best health from natural resources as